President’s Word

Message From The President

The omnipresence of the Internet and digital technology is now an unavoidable reality in all societies around the world, including those, like Mali, where their penetration rate still remains relatively limited. “The global web,” comments a specialist, “has become the place where a new form of citizenship is actively exercised . ”
New information and communication technologies (NICT) and their various applications have exploded the limits of the dissemination of information, thus giving birth to the knowledge society without borders. To paraphrase the Anglo-Saxon writer John Donne who asked himself “for whom the bell tolls” , and who concluded with “no man is an island in himself” , we can likewise affirm that no society is now an island in itself.
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Management (IHEM), which can boast the slogan “ training without borders” , is necessarily a stakeholder in the new situation based on the universal communion of the “meeting of giving and receiving”, according to the relevant formula of the late President Léopold Sédar Senghor. Strengthened by this conviction, those responsible for our Institute believe they have a duty to take part in the national, African and global mixing of ideas and knowledge by creating a site that we have decided to call “IHEM-AGORA”, a sort of modern-day palaver tree.
By taking part in this exhilarating adventure of intellectual exchange with our partners and all those who are eager to learn from others and share their experiences, we challenge ourselves to give a chance to exist to our projects, to our questions, our hopes, our dreams for a better future for Mali, Africa and all of humanity, through a space for dialogue around all contemporary existential concerns.
This need to share is of course accompanied by our ambition to always raise awareness of our Institute which already enjoys the label of the first school in Mali “UEMOA Center of Excellence” (UEMOA: West African Economic and Monetary Union). The aspiration to excellence, which has always been at the center of all the initiatives of our management board, remains our unalterable source of pride. We are happy to affirm that our obsessive quest for quality is widely shared by an academic framework with renowned expertise and admirable ardor in work, a workforce of learners made up of future young executives and ambitious civil servants with constantly renewed motivations.
However brilliant our successes may be, we also owe them, to a large extent, to the constant support of our partners committed to our side, throughout the world, both in Europe and in Canada, all driven by an unshakeable faith in our expertise.
Open to the world, IHEM-AGORA will strive to offer a public from all backgrounds information that is as relevant as it is reliable, a guarantee of our credibility, firmly established over the two decades of our existence. Our website will certainly constitute another source of honor and pride.

Welcome to IHEM-AGORA!
Abdoullah Coulibaly
Chairman & CEO